Private World Government Enthroned!


Because clearly, after last year’s Global Coup d’Etat, world government is no longer “coming”.  It’s already here!   And it’s being shoved down everybody’s throat in every country!




Its finally here…

Ten years ago, Argentine geopolitical analyst and researcher Adrian Salbuchi wrote his first book in English called “The Coming World Government: Tragedy & Hope”.  He later published its 2nd and 3rd editions in 2015 and 2017, respectively.

Now he’s just published its 4th Edition, but with a new, revamped and updated focus, format and a new title: “Private World Government Enthroned! A Tragedy for Mankind”.

Because clearly, after last year’s Global Coup d’Etat, world government is no longer “coming”.  It’s already here!   And it’s being shoved down everybody’s throat in every country!

Not by any particular nation of regime, but rather by a Private Global Power Elite where final decisions on the future of Mankind are being made by extremely wealthy, illegitimately powerful, and repressively authoritarian private Money Power brokers.

Part One of Salbuchi’s new book, “Global Pandemic Pandemonium” explains the dynamics behind this catastrophe that is being imposed on all Humanity since the start of 2020.

Part Two, in turn, is basically what he originally published in 2011 which described “The Roots of World Government”.   At that time, more than a decade ago, the signs of the then looming and coming world government were already very evident to anyone taking the trouble to look and think with his or her own mind, instead of allowing the Global Elite’s mass-media PsyWar brain do think for him…
